Jaw Surgery
Patient 21
This patient presented with a deficient lower jaw and a retruded chin. Advancing the lower jaw into a normal occlusion and then further advancing the chin, idealized her facial profile while achieving an ideal occlusion.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Stephen Baker and set up a consultation.
Patient 22
This patient had a shallow midface and a prominent lower jaw. In consideration of the soft tissue aesthetics, a treatment plan was made to move the upper jaw forward and posteriorly position the chin. The patient has an excellent profile and also has an improvement in the nasolabial increases that will give her a more […]
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Stephen Baker and set up a consultation.
Patient 23
This is a patient who presented complaining of facial asymmetry after previous surgery elsewhere. Implants were removed, the chin was centered and fat grafting as well as a right buccal lipectomy were performed to restore facial symmetry.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Stephen Baker and set up a consultation.
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